Lights up on a bare stage enveloped in a heart-shaped frame. Five trans girls over the age of 40 enter holding hands and flirting under bright light. They perform a cotton-candy-coated kiss, sometimes called the cotton candy kiss, by putting a piece of cotton candy in each other’s mouths and French kissing. Blackout.



Duke Ellington & John Coltrane’s “In a Sentimental Mood” is on full blast. Lights up on a blizzard in a world much like our own, and—standing before us—hundreds of trans girls catching snowflakes on their tongues. Hundreds of trans girls are not being beaten. Short-circuit and sparks: lights do not dim.



Lights up on New York in 1994. Hearts drawn in pink chalk by effeminate boys and little girls cover the sidewalks of the Lower East Side. From backstage, a trans girl poet tells stories about amorous trans girl activities. In the meantime, the sun shines while a rain cloud hovers overhead. The trans girl poet prays for a sunshower, for something beautiful to erase trans girls in love from the historical record this time. Blackout.



Lights up on a bare stage. Enter a whirlwind of trans girls—black, white, and in color between the ages of 5 and 15—from different directions talking and dancing like girls with girls. They gather and twirl in a glorious and anarchic manner. A riot ensues from the sound of girl talk and hold music. Blackout.



Single spotlight center stage: a rabbit hole. Alice returns from Wonderland in her pajamas and writes a love letter to Artaud. She is age 10, 22, 44, 65 or all at the same time. Alice reads the letter aloud until enough is enough. In this girlish and transgender theatre of cruelty, Alice breathes, affective and athletic with her sex mistaken. She gives the letter a kiss. This is a lesson in how trans girls kiss their lovers goodnight. Blackout.





About the Author

Annie Sansonetti is a PhD candidate in the Department of Performance Studies at New York University. Her dissertation posits art histories of love and heartbreak in performances of transgender girlhood.