(For Reid)


[περὶ μεγέθους ἡλίου] εὖρος ποδὸς ἀνθρωπείου

[Concerning the size of the sun: it is] the width of a human foot.

-Heraclitus, fragment DK B3

Diogenes Laertius (IX, 7) says that Heraclitus said, ‘The sun is the size that it appears.’

-T.M. Robinson, Heraclitus: Fragments


What if the world is a room; what if the room is as large as the world?

What, then, of departures from the world, when being-with transforms, in a shock, into was-with, or having-been-with? What of a room that, once left, can no longer be re-joined?

We have scriptures for this room, where mattering is met by expiration: to value the mattering of what happens in the room means to witness the eventuality of, and to rehearse for, one’s own death. To breathe in that room, as in the world, is work. To watch as others breathe: this counts as work, too. Mattering means to move ineffably toward departure. Mattering together, as a case of being-with, means to dwell in a mood dreamt up between the subjunctive and the future-perfect: a grounded “if,” a will-have-been. This is the room’s domain; this is how the room craves its own heft.

The sun is the width of a human foot in every way that matters. The sun is also the swell of presence, its mass the weight of a life. The sun is the heat of loss, and the flame of grief, and the sear of debt. The sun foretells an end. But while it burns, it makes sense of itself and of us: “In these dark times […] where the light falls / Makes a kind of meaning, / Which is being, by another word.” The room gleams, bright as a welder’s torch, fierce and untamed in its slow transformations, urgent in its resounding call as it dreams of its own demise.

About the Author

Patrick Anderson is Professor of Commuication, Ethnic Studies, and Critical Gender Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author of So Much Wasted (Duke UP 2010) and Autobiography of a Disease (Routledge 2017), and the co-editor (with Jisha Menon) of Violence Performed (Palgrave 2009). He co-edits the “Performance Works” book series with Nicholas Ridout at Northwestern University Press, is former Vice President of the American Society for Theatre Research, and is the current Chair of the Editorial Board of the University of California Press.