Una Chaudhuri

Una Chaudhuri is Collegiate Professor and Professor of English, Drama, and Environmental Studies at New York University. A pioneer in the fields of eco-theatre and Animal Studies, she published books in both these fields in 2014: Animal Acts: Performing Species Today (co-edited with Holly Hughes, Michigan), and The Ecocide Project: Research Theatre and Climate Change (co-authored with Shonni Enelow, Palgrave Macmillan). Chaudhuri participates in several creative collaborations, including the multi-platform intervention entitled Dear Climate.


Ocean Oration : Gloss

The ocean is speaking to us loud and clear, with superstorms and tsunamis and bleached coral reefs, apparently responding to the "messages" we've been sending, in the form of oil spills, toxic dumping, overfishing, and islands of plastic waste.

Ocean Oration

Letters from the ocean, messages without bottles, directed to you.