

COuld exOrcism fOllOwing dispOssessiOn (e.g., the 1898 Treaty Of Paris… OperatiOn BOOtstrap… hurricanes María, FiOna… ) recOnfigure dispOssessiOn theOretically, practically, paratactically? Aftermath, exOrcism: “the expulsiOn Or attempted expulsiOn of a suppOsed evil spirit frOm a persOn Or place;” dispOssessiOn: “the actiOn Of depriving sOmeOne Of land, prOperty, Or Other pOssessiOns, usually by way Of trickery Or theft.”


—————————————————————————————————————————————————————–As in the Earth rOtates On its Own praxis.


COuld exOrcism apprOximate dispOssessiOn? As in when exOrcism=dispOssessiOn, mirrOring triggers the shutter-shudder: Of language. As in nOt-nOt-pOssessiOn. As in nOt quite in pOssessiOn of prOperty (“mama’s baby, papa’s maybe,” spilling Over intO Spillers into Gumbs). As in nOt pOssessiOn Or (self-)sOvereignty flagged as (sOcial) bOdies. As in languaging≠langue≠languish. NOne the less; NO One, the less. “ExOrcism”’s injunctive, a subjunctive embOdiment. A-subjunctive, speaking: Dear future we’s/Here is the flag/here is the steeple/Open the dOOrs/see all the peOple. (((((((per Vicuña, Instan—audience))))))) Revenge. ScOred. “For lOwer-cased americans.” ZOng! (Philip)!!!!!!!!!!! Relationality—Harris + MOten—Black sOciality. With a peace of chalk, draw a free-speech zOne. With a piece of chalk, re/draw a pOrtal. V=(1/3)πr2h. On the OccasiOn Of the equatiOn, set the cOne aside. PeOples-mic up. POst/preOcupémonos. Script “An AbbreviatiOn of the Treaty Of Paris 1898” (to remember verbatim, Overrated): Querida Rayuela/ DOn’t skip a single letter/GrOunded, write “venganza” On the wall/DOn’t put the chalk dOwn, rite On. In Lumpérica’s plaza (Eltit), the waring Of the flag. At a plaza, unbOxed: MicrO-expulsiOns, micrO-explOsiOns. COntact, cOntract cOntractiOn/s. Five centimeters, dilated, dilating… use tape tO uncage, rib to de-rib. Un-Cage. Mega. PhOne. “Make it matter.” As in “ActiOn and gathering can make a plaza Out Of street cOrners, stOOps, driveways… zOOm rOOms…” Rx for a script: On a bOx. Drapery. EchOlOcate cOmputer(s), built-in text-to-speech tOOl. Or/O, peOples, mic up. We are nOt a “system vOice.” As in cOmmit to MOrrison’s rememOry: “InstructiOns for taking textual phOtOgraphs” (GOnzález-ROdríguez). After math, undOcumentatiOn. BOdies, unfurling. Dance, dance, revOlutiOn (Park HOng).


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::draw, drawn raw incOnclusiOn::

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