bells that play longer than usual, which we perceive more clearly
because our senses have been resting for a long time now.
We listen to them with more devotion.
The general feeling is neither happiness nor sadness.
The action takes place using only what is already at hand,
only with what is necessary.
In a single place and at a single time, shared by everyone.
Without horizon.
Everyone must keep an object in hand,
and it must be chosen because it smells as yourself.
The costumes must be things that have not left the house,
that haven’t reached the outside,
because of this they are safety garments,
which protect you without shutting you in,
wrapping yourself in a continuous embrace.
Walking will be lunar, like walking on polenta.

Everybody feels observed in their empty rooms.
There is no contact between bodies.
Initially one can hardly see because of the fog, the perception of
forms will be blurred by smoke, the mind will need to foresee the objects
and the actions.
During a difficult scene, to fill a void, one can utter the words
“too much.”

The duration of this show is unknowable. Maybe there will be time to learn
another way to live on stage.
There are no hours in the day anymore.

Once entered, it is unknown whether it will be possible to get out,
but for sure it will be possible to attend.
A beam of light turns on.
Everyone imagines looking outside
at the sun cutting the windows, not the wall.

A warm waft is left out,
as the sound of daily life displaced.
The noise of people.
Wind blowing.
They look for themselves where they are not.
Until everybody gathers at the center, around the same constraint.
Somebody asks, “What does one need to live?”
Only then nobody feels alone anymore.
All recognize themselves as part of the group,
and finally embody it.
Everybody imagines returning to a savageness,
to their minimum,
imagines becoming a plant.
It needs light.

All the lights in the theatre turn on.