Katie Schetlick and Zena Bibler

Katie Schetlick and Zena Bibler are independent artists who have been collaborating together since 2009. Many of their investigations use dance improvisation as a strategy for challenging habitual ways of perceiving and engaging with “place.” They are currently working on a ‘zine that distills some movement practices designed to be attended by an other-than-human audience, in the hopes that the material will support other artists that are interested in moving performance beyond human-centered perspectives. For more information: www.katieschetlick.com || www.zenabibler.com



Performance strategies for more-than-human audiences

Performance strategies for more-than-human audiences : Gloss

In these scores, excerpted from a larger collection, we tangle with an inherited choreography of human-centeredness, which is inseparable from the colonial logics that separate beings according to physical and imagined characteristics.