Daniela Lieja Quintanar

Daniela Lieja Quintanar is the Chief Curator and Deputy Director, Programs at REDCAT (L.A.) since 2022. Prior to that, she was the Chief Curator and Director of Programming at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE). While with LACE, her exhibitions included Intergalactix: against isolation/contra el aislamiento (2021); Unraveling Collective Forms (2019); CAVERNOUS: Young Joon Kwak & Mutant Salon (2018); Emory Douglas: Bold Visual Language (2018, co-curated with Essence Harden); home away from by Jimena Sarno (2017); and El Teatro Campesino (1965–1975) (2017, co-curated with Samantha Gregg). Her curatorial practice takes inspiration from everyday spaces of political struggle and communal forms of knowledge production. Recently, she curated the new LACE exhibition, (un)disciplinary tactics: Beatriz da Costa, as part of The Getty’s Pacific Standard Time 2024 initiative.



Un Mojado Azteca Desahogándose en el Norte : Gloss