3. interruptions for 4 players
- What have you to say about a certain tree which is near to your village?
- Not far from Domremy there is a tree that they call ‘The Ladies’ Tree ‘-
- I’m sorry is this the only name for the tree?
- No, no it’s not the only name for the/ tree
- What are the other names for the tree?
- If you just/ let me finish
- Don’t be hostile
- I’m not…. I’m just saying that… if you let/ me finish
- Just say the name/ of the tree
- The name /of the tree is
- Don’t interrupt
- I wasn’t interrupting/, I was just trying to tell you the name of the tree
- You were interrupting. Why /are you being so rude?
- I wasn’t/ interrupting I was trying to tell you the name of the tree
- You were /interrupting.
- I’m just
- Look you’re doing it again!
- I
- Stop
- I
- Stop
- I
- Stop
1.What is the name of the tree?
2.The tree is sometimes called The Ladies Tree and /others call it
- You’ve already said, you said that already
- I know I have
- Then why say it again?
- I just hadn’t finished
- Well…..go ahead
- ……The tree is also called The
- Sorry could you repeat that last bit
- Point of order
- What
- Could you repeat the last sentence
- The tree is also called The….
- Thank you
- Sorry. Please continue.
- Yes the tree is called the Ladies Tree/ and also called
- You’ve already said that
- I
- Point of order
- What?
- Would the minister stop interrupting the witness
- I haven’t been interrupting/ the witness
- Don’t argue. You have/ several times interrupted the witness and I’m asking you to stop. See it’s happening now, point in case. Minister. Minster. Minister. Minister. MinisterMinisterMinisterMinisterMinister
- I have not been interrupting the witness I have been pursing a line of questioning, she is being hostile. All I want to know is the other name of the tree. What is the name of the tree? The tree. The tree. treetreetreetreetreetreetree
- (very quickly) The tree is called the Ladies Tree/ and also called the
- That was unintelligible
- Sorry.
- That was unintelligible please repeat that last sentence
- Case in point
- Point of order
Please repeat that last sentence
- Fairy
- I’m sorry
- Fairy Tree