Edits to be Performed : Gloss 3

Edits to be Performed

3. interruptions for 4 players


  1. What have you to say about a certain tree which is near to your village?
  2. Not far from Domremy there is a tree that they call ‘The Ladies’ Tree ‘-
  3. I’m sorry is this the only name for the tree?
  4. No, no it’s not the only name for the/ tree
  5. What are the other names for the tree?
  6. If you just/  let me finish
  7. Don’t be hostile


  1. I’m not…. I’m just saying that… if you let/ me finish
  2. Just say the name/ of the tree
  3. The name /of the tree is
  4. Don’t interrupt
  5. I wasn’t interrupting/, I was just trying to tell you the name of the tree
  6. You were interrupting. Why /are you being so rude?
  7. I wasn’t/ interrupting I was trying to tell you the name of the tree
  8. You were /interrupting.
  9. I’m just
  10. Look you’re doing it again!
  11. I
  12. Stop
  13. I
  14. Stop
  15. I
  16. Stop




1.What is the name of the tree?

2.The tree is sometimes called The Ladies Tree and /others call it

  1. You’ve already said, you said that already
  2. I know I have
  3. Then why say it again?
  4. I just hadn’t finished
  5. Well…..go ahead
  6. ……The tree is also called The
  7. Sorry could you repeat that last bit
  8. Point of order
  9. What
  10. Could you repeat the last sentence
  11. The tree is also called The….
  12. Thank you
  13. Sorry. Please continue.
  14. Yes the tree is called the Ladies Tree/  and also called
  15. You’ve already said that
  16. I
  17. Point of order
  18. What?
  19. Would the minister stop interrupting the witness
  20. I haven’t been interrupting/ the witness


  1. Don’t argue. You have/ several times interrupted the witness and I’m asking you to stop. See it’s happening now, point in case. Minister. Minster. Minister. Minister. MinisterMinisterMinisterMinisterMinister
  2. I have not been interrupting the witness I have been pursing a line of questioning, she is being hostile. All I want to know is the other name of the tree. What is the name of the tree? The tree. The tree. treetreetreetreetreetreetree






  1. (very quickly) The tree is called the Ladies Tree/  and also called the
  2. That was unintelligible
  3. Sorry.
  4. That was unintelligible please repeat that last sentence


  1. Case in point
  2. Point of order

Please repeat that last sentence


  1. Fairy
  2. I’m sorry
  3. Fairy Tree 



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