Jack Isaac Pryor

Jack Isaac Pryor is a writer, theater artist, and performance studies scholar specializing in experimental forms and queer/trans cultural production. They received their Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin and are Assistant Professor of Theater and Performance Studies at The Pennsylvania State University-Abington where they also hold the Career Development Professorship. Their first book, Time Slips: Queer Temporalities, Contemporary Performance, and the Hole of History (2017), was published by Northwestern University Press and a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award in LGBTQ Studies. Jack is currently co-editing a book about transgender aesthetics with Jules Rosskam and a special issue of Studies in Musical Theatre with Stacy Wolf (Sondheim from the Side, forthcoming 2023). They have published essays on affect, pedagogy, queer temporality, minoritarian performance and visual culture, sex, state violence, and experimental modes of art and cultural criticism. Jack is also a director and devised theater maker and currently working on a durational performance about tragedy and choice (24 Hour Medea). They live in Philadelphia/Lenapehoking. More at www.jaclynisaacpryor.com.


Someone has to take out the garbage : Gloss

Future Perfect

It’s an experiment in placing the private in public, says the director—a device HE will learn to use well in the many years to come.