Tina Post

Tina Post is a Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the English Department of the University of Chicago, where she teaches courses for Creative Writing, Theatre and Performance Studies, and the Center for Race, Politics, and Culture. She earned her MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of Alaska–Anchorage and her PhD in African American Studies from Yale University. Both her scholarship and artistic works explore the effects of formal or performative decisions in communicating—or in failing to communicate—position, affect, and identity. Tina’s first book project, Deadpan Aesthetics in Black Expressive Culture, examines expressionlessness and affective withholding in a range of black cultural and artistic sites. Her scholarly work can be found in TDR/The Drama Review, and is forthcoming in Modern Drama and Time Signatures (Duke University Press). Her creative work has appeared in The Appendix and in Stone Canoe, where it won the S.I. Newhouse School Prize for Nonfiction.


Oroonoko, Called You, An Essay in Three Acts

I hope you will forgive my using you. This trip we have no compass, but our ship, driven by Providence or stress of weather, needs some constellation to point us home.